OMG- An Update!?

Well, not much to talk about lately in this old life.

Work has been the usual stress, I really am growing weary of news photography, all the more clinching that I would rather be in the production side of things… but there aren’t any positions open over on that side so, oh well.

I guess I’m just stuck with the destiny of doing what I don’t want to do in life.

“Clue Me In” is churning, we got one show on tape last weekend and I was under so much rush and stress that I committed mistakes. There’s that damn job causing problems again, having to come straight over from working a 9-4:30 to do “Clue Me In”, it is almost too much… maybe it is too much… but I don’t want to just up and leave my job. I am however planning on leaving the news internship anyway in July. California calls again.

And, btw, be sure to watch Price is Right next Wednesday, front row baby! 🙂