A major account of the behind-the-scenes drama during the Barker years of “The Price is Right” came out today. Former model (known on the show at the time as “Barker’s Beauties”) Holly Hallstrom spoke to Business Insider.
Read the article here at this link.
This post will continue assuming you have read this article.
Before I comment, I wish to go back to a post I wrote on the day Bob Barker’s final episode aired on June 15, 2007:
Well, as some of you know, today is Bob Barker’s last day on “The Price is Right”, and on television as he is now retiring.
I now offer my thoughts about today in TV history.
Bob has proven himself to be a good host over the course of his career, recognized by his peers with awards and accolades too numerous to count. You have to respect a tad bit a man who has been famous for only two game shows in 50 years. He knew how to get the reactions out of contestants to make the show interesting.
That being said, I can only give good words to his character in front of the camera. Based on what has been said about how he is off-camera, I would have to say that he is very unprofessional and very uncourteous to the people who have tried to work with him. If I were host, I would be nothing but a friend to each and every person who worked hard on the show. I would never show the level of attitude that he has shown to certain individuals, and I never will. It would violate my principles as not only a producer/director but as a human being. It’s just my human nature to enjoy each and every person’s unique talents and what they have to contribute, not to find petty reasons to try to get them off the show or be jealous of someone grabbing the spotlight.
That’s about all I have to say on this matter. All I can say is, have a good retirement, Bob, you’ve been ready for it for a long time.
Those feelings from 17 years ago have not changed one iota. As a matter of fact, they are even more amplified. After hearing what everyone went through and what this man tried to do for the sake of this show really sticks in my craw.
At this point in time, I don’t know if I can ever watch the show the same way ever again. I am sure many other people will feel the same way. This doesn’t mean that I will stop watching Price, but it certainly casts the show in a new light for me.
By the way, in case you’re curious, I have come to respect the current run of the show with Drew Carey much more in the last few months. Certain things still irk me about it but it’s a lot better than when I tried to watch it back in 2007 when he first took over as host.
If there is one thing I can say for sure – it’s to please, please, PLEASE be kind to others. Be welcoming of everyone no matter who they are or any other reason. In this day and age everyone deserves mutual respect. That is a lesson that is far too prevalent in current society.