
Well, most of the stress is over. I have, as of the time of this entry, one test to go and my college career is in the books.

It’s fulfilling, but at the same time bittersweet. I’ll miss the people that I have grown to know and love over the past three and a half years. I’ll treasure all of the memories that I have. But, it’s time to move on to a professional career. FINALLY!

I interviewed last Friday at WCYB for an open Production Assistant job. Starting pay is a measley $19k/year (we are a #92 market, mind you), but there is health and dental right out of the gate, and accruing vacation time. Not a bad deal if I get it.

Greg is where I’m worried however. There are no open jobs in the news department, and they don’t want to let him go. But, the stupid owners are sticking to their goddamn budgets and won’t create a new position for him. So, in other words, unless someone leaves or gets fired, he’s screwed. Nice way to go, you dimwits. Take someone who’s been hard working and loyal to you for two and a half years, even though you’re letting him produce during the holidays over someone you hired as a part time producer who is pure crap and slower than molasses in January, and you give the good guy the short end of the stick?

What a world we live in.

That is all.

I figure it’s time to take some time and come out of hiding to comment…

It’s Election Day. Please, if you haven’t voted, get out there and do so! A lot is at stake in this election.

I especially urge those in California to get out there and vote no on Proposition 8.

That is about all I can say.

By the way, does anyone else get the distinct impression that we’ll all be burning the midnight oil watching the returns come in?

So what have I been up to… all work and no play would be a very accurate description.

School and projects have had me ran rampant since the semester began back on August 25. Working Friday night football games is still there, of course. Add to that I’m student working again for some extra $$$ (and who couldn’t use it these days.)

I just hope I won’t be a mental vegetable by the time graduation rolls around on December 13th. That light at the end of the tunnel seems to be a thousand miles away now. We’ll call it Senioritis of the worst degree.

I just totally did not feel like doing the NFL picks this year, I just don’t have the time or the energy. I am devoted to my fantasy team however… even though I’m off to an 0-2 start. I think I didn’t draft well at all, proving how dumb I really am at that sort of thing. I did better letting the autodraft pick players, hell, I made the No B.S. Bowl last year with autodraft and a few waiver acquisitions.

BTW, in case you didn’t know, I have been doing a radio show every Monday night for the last few weeks called “Retro Flash”, me and Greg play 60’s, 70’s and 80’s hits and some misses as well… it’s online at from 6-10 PM Eastern on Monday nights. Do listen and let us know what you think at

/plug over

OK, enough for now. I need to update more often, yet again.

Link for my Radio Show

For those of you who would like to possibly listen to my radio show “Retro Flash”, with the greatest and no so greatest of the 70s & 80s (and some of the 60s too), here is a direct link to the station’s webstream.


You probably will have to use Windows Media Player for this stream, or other compatible program.


Question to all…

For those of you who remember… I ran the Pickin’ Panel a few years back. Why not try it again?

If you’re interested… go over and join , unless you’re there already. We’ll all pick each week, myself included, and I’ll keep a tally on the results…just for fun.

We’ll only do the regular season because not everyone picks in the playoffs.


Been kind of a boring weekend for me. Just relaxing. Went yesterday to see “The X Files: I Want to Believe.” It was OK, but it probably would have played better as a mediocre series episode. It would suprise me if they will be able to make another film after this one.

Just two more weeks of Probability and Statistics to go… and I’m kicking this class’ ass so far. I’m glad that I finally have a teacher that explains the material to a point where it makes sense… just like being in high school again. You know… that’s the rare talent of a good teacher, a teacher that will take the time to explain it in detail for you, and explain it in terms that are easy to understand.

That’s all for now…

Tales of Insomnia

So here I sit at 4:00 in the morning, at one of those times where you feel like you want to sleep but can’t get to sleep. At the moment, I’m watching “Aliens” on Encore Action. I had forgotten what made this film so good, but then again, I liked the original Ridley Scott film just as much as James Cameron’s. Speaking of Cameron, I still don’t have an urge to watch the (in my opinion) most watered down film of all time, “The Great Sinking CGI Ship of 1997”, at least that’s my title for it.

I often wonder what life after college will be like. Of course, the obvious question is what kind of job will I have. I initally thought a PA job at a local station would be the way I would start out. But, there are a couple of other possibilities to consider. One is to see if I can get on at Charter, where I have been helping out with football and basketball games. Another is radio. One of my teachers has said that I need to update my demo tape and get my resume together for just such a thing. After all this time, I feel I am finally comfortable with considering myself a viable radio personality in the making. We shall see how this turns out as we progress farther towards December. Let me just say this: I hope to have a job lined out as soon as I graduate, I don’t have time wait around nor do I want to wait around to get life started.

BTW, Klauss, you summarized the $2 million idiot from Price the other day with sheer perfection. In case anyone doesn’t know what I’m talking about, just take a look at this and prepare to laugh out loud.