Future Plans

I don’t want to be looking too far forward in the future.  However, in this topsy-turvy world that we live in today, I have vowed to remain positive and optimistic about our future plans.  Needless to say, this is subject to change, but I always want to record my thoughts here, so here it goes.

Next year, around mid-2018, our desire is that we will finally take the next step in our careers, and move to a higher market.  We are looking at Atlanta.  I think that Greg is superb and awesome at his job, and I think I’m not too shabby myself.  There are *lots* of opportunities down there for both of us potentially.  I think it’s a great move.

The next thing to obviously think of is, would we want to do anything past that?  Well, we don’t know.  We have thrown around the possibility of moving to the Big Apple someday, but that is not a 100% assurance by any means.  It all boils down to a simple thing:  could we ever afford to live in a place like that and be comfortable and happy?  If not, it’s not for us.  It’s called being practical.  I’m afraid that not a lot of people (at least from my point of view) do that these days.

There are certain people I know of (not naming names) that tend to overspend and live higher than their means.  I was always under the impression that you need to save money.  Save as much as you can and be careful and thrifty.   We will always live by this philosophy.

Now get off my lawn! 😛

Life Status

I realize that I haven’t blogged much lately, at least in this forum, about me.  How am *I* doing?

Well, frankly, I am OK, but I’ve been better.  I can be better.  I procrastinate doing anything constructive that will make me feel better.  Why, you ask?  I probably couldn’t tell you.  At least I am going to a sleep clinic next week to try and get my sleep habits in order.  I probably will end up having to use a machine to help me breathe properly while I sleep.  I need to get my weight under control.  I’m going to end up putting myself under if I don’t do anything about it.  If anything else, I need to do it for the sake of the man who loves me.

Why is my apathy at an all time high?  Am I too afraid to fail?  Am I too afraid of judgmental pricks?   I know what you’re thinking, fuck them!  And you would be right.  But I need to find the drive to do better.  I found it once a while back, and then it went away.  Maybe I just misplaced it somewhere.  I will keep looking for it, and when I find it, I won’t let it go easily.

Stay tuned…

EDIT: Just minutes after I published this post, Greg had a migraine so bad that I had to take him to the ER.  We were in an out of there in less than three hours.  His health is important to my health.  At least he’s OK.

Day Two

I feel better today than I did yesterday.  Why, you ask?  Put simply, we’re all going to be OK.

People are peacefully protesting all over the country and the world.  PEACEFULLY!  Not what those nitwits who lit cars on fire yesterday did, but peacefully demonstrating that the majority of people do not agree with how things turned out.

I don’t want this blog to become overtly a hotbed of hot takes over the direction our country is going in, but I will say this.  As a gay man who is married to someone he loves very much, everyone’s rights to make their own choices in their lives is very, very, very important.  Even if I don’t agree with what choice they make, they have the right to choose what they do.  I have no say in the matter, and the government surely should not either.

That’s just how I feel.  I’m not a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Very Silly, or whatever, I’m Nick.  That’s who I am and that’s what I believe in.  No authoritarian nitwit can tell me any different.

How I Feel

I want to take a second and tell you how I really feel on this day, January 20th, 2017.

Am I sad? A little.

Am I angry? You bet.

What am I going to do about it?  All I can do, keep my head up and keep pushing forward.  I’m not going to let anyone tell me to do anything different because I have every reason to be proud of who I am, regardless of who is in power.  I am happy, I am successful and I am comfortable with who I am.  I’m not going to let anyone or any entity tell me any different.

Bring it on. See you on November 6, 2018.

Crazy Weather

As of this post, it is currently 65º in Knoxville.  On January 14th.  It is predicted that we will be in this area of temperatures for at least a few days.  Where did winter go?  Did spring give fall and winter a miss and get here early?  Probably not.  Is it global warming?  I’m not opening that can of worms here.

But you will agree, it’s not supposed to be this damn warm in January!

However, it is nice. 🙂

Snowpocalypse 2017

So, the snow is here in Knoxville.  Yet, everyone acts around here like it’s never snowed before.  I just don’t get that.  Snow is supposed to be a beautiful thing of nature.  People should really stop and admire its beauty.  No, really, stop and get off the roads and appreciate it for what it is.

That’s why TV stations are on the air with snow updates, you know?  Because people don’t know how to stay off the roads in inclement weather.  Maybe I should start a driving school to try to teach people how to drive in the snow?   Maybe not, because I’m not 100% in it either.  I drive slow in the stuff just on the five minute drive from the house to the station.  That drive becomes 10-15 minutes in the bad stuff, especially ice.

Seriously folks, if you don’t have to get out. DON’T. GET. OUT. PERIOD.

My Reflection on 2016

As I look back on the year that has transpired, I find myself thinking what really happened to make this year unique from prior years.  As a matter of fact, I doubt there will ever be another year bigger than 2015.  Of course, that was the year that I married my sweetheart.

But don’t think 2016 doesn’t rank up there in popularity.  I met some great people and traveled again to one of my favorite places, New York City.  I dare say our trip in early September was the highlight of the year.  Greg and I met probably the nicest couple you could ever meet, Francois and Keith.  I didn’t think to get a picture with them while we were there (sorry, guys), but I promise that the next time we visit them… and there will be a next time… I will be more photogenic.

Looking ahead to the year to come, while there is much to be concerned about (and that language is much tamer than I have thought in prior weeks,)  there is much to look forward to.  Like I said, we are planning to go back to New York City next year.  Don’t know if it will be a Spring or Fall trip yet, but we’ll figure that out soon.  We also would like to see the Braves at their new home, although we will miss going to the Ted.  RIP Turner Field.

If I could have my way, we would take a visit to Los Angeles again.  It’s been way too long (8 years!) since we’ve been there.  Maybe one of these days if airfare is ever affordable again.  Maybe after another year of saving we might be able to do it.

And, well, there’s Star Wars Episode VIII to look forward to next December.  It’ll be nice to hear Mark Hamill speak this time.

I hope everyone out there reading this has the greatest year in 2017 that one could ever hope for!

Much love from Greg and myself.

My Nephew

If there is one thing I hold very close to my heart, it’s my family.  I have always been very proud of my entire family, even the in-laws (they are great too, contrary to what popular humor of the past would have you believe.)

My youngest nephew, Houston, at the ripe age of 7 (almost 8), is quite the sharp guy.  Whenever we can, we try to buy him a board game that is appropriate for his age.  One to stimulate his mind and have fun all at the same time.  Games like Operation, Candy Land, and Monopoly Junior.  This Christmas Day, we bought him Battleship.  I think we can call ourselves proud Uncles for the fact that on only the second playing of the game, he won the game very handily.

This guy is a bright fellow, and I am pretty certain he is going to go far in life.  Yes, I am making this assumption based on the result of a board game, but I have known this child for a long time, and mark my words, I think he is going to do wonderful things when he grows older.

I just wanted to be proud and boast about that fact.

Christmas Reflections

Now that it is Christmas Morning, I find myself reflecting.  I look back on Christmases past and think of all the fond and happy memories that I treasure.  But I also look back on the two Christmases that were not so good to me.  I’m not going to become emotional or upset.  I’ve had many years to process the events of 2001 and 2002. I still find myself thinking about my Dad and my Great Grandmother.  If they were here, they would probably tell me just to suck it up and try to find something to smile about because I’d be wasting my time feeling all sorry for myself.   Funny thing is, they’d be absolutely right.  So, I won’t feel that way.  Not in the slightest.  I’ll treasure my memories of them both and celebrate this awesome holiday and enjoy my time with my family.  Everyone should do that if they’re able.  If you’re stuck working, at least call, send a message, talk to someone and at least try to make it something that will make you feel good inside.  Because you never know when someone else will feel better for just that little contact to brighten what otherwise would have been a dark day for them.

Christmas Time is Here

What do I have to be thankful for this Christmas… a lot of things.  I have the best husband in the world that anyone could ever ask for.  I have a great job and great co-workers.   I have great friends in all walks of life.  Some I know in person, some I know online, with some of those friendships stretching back almost 20 years.  And yet, when I look back at all of that, I have nothing to regret, not a single, solitary thing.  I have always been a firm believer in this:  You have to know where you’ve been to know where you are going.  Don’t spend all of your time dwelling on the past, keep moving forward, but don’t forget your roots.

I want to especially profess my love for my husband, Greg.  He is the best partner a guy could ever ask for.  He puts up with a lot from me and trust me, I can be quite a challenge in domestic life sometimes.  But if there’s one thing he has shown me, it’s an unwavering love and affection that you don’t often find, even when you think you have found it.

My advice to you this holiday season is this:  Hold those close to you even closer this Christmas.  Love those near you like you’ve never loved them before.  Because if you love them, then the world can be an amazing place.  It already is an amazing place for sure, but we can make it even more amazing than it already is.  I truly believe that.
